
Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are known as hidden messages and its effects are demonstrated. Your brain gets the messages that you can't see in the first place and stimulates mild emotional activities. These messages are everywhere in our daily life.
The simplest idea is Fedex; as you watched in the video there is an arrow in between e and x. Since Fedex is a shipping company that arrow helps you to remember them.
You see commercials everywhere, each second. Would you ever thought that you would even see commercials in playstation games. In every scene of the game there are severals of them. McDonalds, Coca Cola, Pepsi, EA games and lots of more. They even try to send us messages while we are trying to have some fun. The worst part is they also specifically do this to children.
Adults always complain about why their children are inclined to sexual stuff. Its all because of disney channel. As it is referred in the video, disney channel tries to inoculate sexual stuff by their cartoons with subliminal messages. Every one used to watch Lion King but no one noticed the word written by the clouds. The producers wanted to make a memorable cartoon and they succeeded by just one word, sex.