

I loved chocolate because of Maltesers. It was the first chocolate I ever ate and it used to be a part of my life. After a while they stopped bringing it to Turkey and I was demolished. When my parents went abroad I always told them to buy Maltesers from duty free. Once, they bought a box of Maltesers which was a mixture of milk and white chocolate. It was magnificent.


Greenday Rock Band

Green Day: Rock Band Trailer #2 from gdkid2010 on Vimeo.

Weeks left for this fabulous game to come out. Pre orders have been taken. This will be the legendary part of the serie. Its the time to get a game for four of you can play. One of you will sing while there are two guitarists and one drummer. Its the time to have a lot of fun. The chance to pretend that you are Green Day.

Nike - Write The Future

As the World Cup comes along all big companies start to make their advertisements about World Cup and football. Mostly the companies don't have unique ideas, but Nike peels of itself from other by its quality works, commercials.

You may remember the elegant product of Nike, Take It To The Next Level :

After that masterpiece they made another legendary move, Write The Future :

This is the story of a legendary company, Nike.



The producers of lost and fringe created a TV show which people saw their future for 2 minute and 17 second. The main topic of Flashforward was, do people have the chance to change their destiny or in every way will their fate become true. Despite the fact that the topic evokes curiosity the TV show's ratings were awful. In america this fabulous TV show couldn't find its mass of audience. There were gossips that it was cancelled. All around the world the channels started to broadcast. In Turkey lots of people waited for weeks and weeks so they could see the new episode. At last they got a dreadful news, Flashforward was cancelled. That was the end of a fabulous TV show and a great amount of time...

Youtube için DNS ayarları

Her ne sbepten oldugunu bilmesek de bazen YouTube'a erişim mahkeme kararınca kapatılıyor.Peki "yasaklanmış ya da erişime kapatılmış YouTube'a nasıl girecegiz" sorusuna cevap; bilgisayarınızın Dns ayarlarını değiştirin olacaktır.

Dns Ayarları Nasıl Değiştirilir ?
1.) Masaüstünde Başlat'a tıklayın, Ağ Bağlantılarım'a sağ tık yapıp özelliklere girin.

2.) Açılacak olan pencerede İnternet İletişim Kuralları (TCP/IP) yazan yeri bulun ve çift tıklayın.

3.) Final kısmında ise resimdeki gibi gerekli değişiklikleri yapın.
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4.) Bilgisayarınızı kapatıp açın.


Mozart with Bottles

The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch the legendary man with a legendary last lecture.

Walking on Water

People finally managed walking on the water.

Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are known as hidden messages and its effects are demonstrated. Your brain gets the messages that you can't see in the first place and stimulates mild emotional activities. These messages are everywhere in our daily life.
The simplest idea is Fedex; as you watched in the video there is an arrow in between e and x. Since Fedex is a shipping company that arrow helps you to remember them.
You see commercials everywhere, each second. Would you ever thought that you would even see commercials in playstation games. In every scene of the game there are severals of them. McDonalds, Coca Cola, Pepsi, EA games and lots of more. They even try to send us messages while we are trying to have some fun. The worst part is they also specifically do this to children.
Adults always complain about why their children are inclined to sexual stuff. Its all because of disney channel. As it is referred in the video, disney channel tries to inoculate sexual stuff by their cartoons with subliminal messages. Every one used to watch Lion King but no one noticed the word written by the clouds. The producers wanted to make a memorable cartoon and they succeeded by just one word, sex.