Risk Takers or Careful Planners
There are millions of successful people in our lives. These people have two ways to reach success, risk and chance or careful planning. I think that risk and chance is a better way. There is an idiom; you should risk it to get the biscuit. I think that this is completely true because you shouldn't be the same as anyone. You should be the best at what ever you are doing. And for that to happen you should be taking risks, the biggest difference of stupid risks and acceptable risks are that they should be distinguishable from a dream.
For example in our lives most of the vast companies have risked their money, their jobs and their lives to be successful. Their main goal was to be differed from their rivals. They didn’t want to be mundane. They had a proper idea; a believable one and they found an investor for it. They may have achieved or nor. The thing is they wanted to be special.
Most of the successful companies are the risk takers but there is also another fact that shouldn’t be under estimated. Most of the bankrupted companies are also the big risk takers. So there is a controversy. There is no ordinary life if you take risks. You may live like kings or you could be one of the homeless guys. The thing is you should be evaluating the chances and deciding which way to go.
On the other hand, the careful planning companies are ninety percent thriving. They are the ones who don’t have any ambition. They just want to gain in a regular base and they just want average revenue, just to be able to look after their family. But the good thing is, they can achieve their goal but never get more…